The DIY Insomnia Cure

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The DIY Insomnia Cure

44 Lessons

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The DIY Insomnia Cure

Getting Started

2 Lessons

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Important note before we get started...

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Welcome to The DIY Insomnia Cure!

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Pillow 1 - Awareness

7 Lessons

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In this first part of the program, we want to increase our awareness about sleep and understand what sleep really is. The reason why I want us to look at sleep before we talk about insomnia and how to cure it is that many people have a misconception about what sleep is - and this might be contributing to your struggle with sleep.

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Pillow 2 - Clarity

7 Lessons

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Pillow 3 - The Healing Steps

20 Lessons

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Pillow 4 - Confidence

8 Lessons

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Get your free copy of The DIY Insomnia Cure Ebook

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About the teacher

Marie Link

Marie Link is the founder of the blog Good Sleep Anywhere and the creator of The DIY Insomnia Cure.Her mission is to help people to make sleep a priority in their life to overcome stress and sleep problems such as insomnia and to be able to live a more relaxed and happier life.After her own chronic insomnia experience and successful recovery, she decided to teach the exact tools that helped her to overcome insomnia to anyone who is struggling with sleep and created The DIY Insomnia Cure.Marie believes that all of us are capable of having a good night’s sleep – no matter our circumstances. And she is here to help you achieve this.

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